FEC Billing
Multiple Bills for ER Visits
Just like traditional hospital ERs, Texas statutes allow FEC billing practices to be enterprise-specific. That means each FEC facility may have different billing processes. For example, some FECs issue multiple bills for different areas of treatment, while others consolidate bills for patients. TAFEC members review their established billing procedures with patients and address specific billing questions to provide clarity.
TAFEC’s Response to Medical Overbilling
If patients believe they have been overcharged for medical services, TAFEC recommends the following:
- Patients can contact the facility that rendered treatment before making any payments. Billing errors do occur, as is the case with most medical care providers, and they can easily be corrected.
- Patients can contact their insurance providers before making any payments. It is imperative that insurance companies abide by the law and reimburse claims to the degree specified in patient health plans.
- TAFEC members are sensitive to the out-of-pocket costs passed on to the patient. When necessary, emergency facilities will enlist support from the patient (enrollee) in challenging the insurance company’s decision and help appeal for payment, which is often successful.
- If patients are expected to pay additional charges to the facility, TAFEC members are open to negotiating with patients regarding payment amounts and terms. The goal is to find a positive, reasonable outcome.
Download our FEC Billing One-Pager here.